(please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in theĪppropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly) Attempting to process anyway.Įrror : missing -1071184873 bytes in zipfileĮrror : start of central directory not found
Is disk 12592 but that the central directory starts on disk 13106 this is aĬontradiction. Warning : end-of-central-directory record claims this It reads as follows:Īrchive: /home/hernan/.wine/dosdevices/c:/bb/bbw.exe 9337344 14134 Oh, I double cliked on the bbw.exe file and it gave an error. Right click on BIAB icon and the command wasĮnv WINEPREFIX="/home/hernan/.wine" wine "C:\bb\bbw.exe" Thanks for the help Martin, but I don't know if I understood your instructions correctly.
#Band in a box files not found in folder full
You can also use 'locate' to find the full pathname for any Which contains the list pf directories that where bash searches for NOTE: if you know a program name 'which' will tell you if its in $PATH, Run 'wine pathname' if 'which' didn't find it. Run 'which progname" where progname is the lastģ) run 'wine progname' if 'which' found the program or Note down the pathname and closeĢ) Start a terminal.
Try this (should work on all GNOME desktops):ġ) right click on the Band In A Box icon, select Properties and theĬommand line on the Basic pane gives the full pathname of the I got this CD from my music teacher and I was able to run it on WIndows, so it's not the CD. There were a lot (really, a lot) of applications that are adds-on, as it were, to BIAB, but no BIAB.exe or anything like that.
#Band in a box files not found in folder .exe
exe file that said Band-in-a-box or anything like that. this is going to sound weird, but I couldn't run the program from the terminal because I browsed all the /bb folder that was created in C: but I couldn't find an.